What are you overlooking in your backyard?

I think you maybe trust me some and value my opinion a little or you would not be reading my blog posts.

If that is true, then pay attention, because this first post of 2018 could be a life changer or major life enhancer for you. And your family.

That takes courage and conviction for me to say. And I know it to be true.

Are you familiar with the story of Acres of Diamonds? Are you living the lessons?

Russell Conwell delivered his Acres of Diamonds talk over 6,000 times on the Chautauqua circuit.

Here I am giving you links to a short bio of Conwell, the full script of his talk, and what Earl Nightingale wrote about it and said in his Lead the Field program.

Here is a link to what Earl Nightingale wrote about Acres of Diamonds. CLICK HERE.

Here is a link to Russell Conwell’s ACRES of DIAMONDS talk.  CLICK HERE.

Here is a link to Russell Conwell’s bio. CLICK HERE.

Let’s mine our acres of diamonds in 2018.

Please forward this to someone who needs to read it. You know who that is.