by Tom Hailey | Jul 23, 2017
Have you seen those short videos on social media that show people in a coffee shop with a conversation bubble above their heads showing what they are concerned about at that time? Their point is that we are all dealing with issues, and many are serious. The person...
by Tom Hailey | Jul 16, 2017
I am pleased to have Mark Rucker as a guest blogger this week. – Tom Hailey In 1957, Willie Shoemaker, arguably the greatest jockey ever, was riding aboard Gallant Man in the Kentucky Derby. Shoemaker guided Gallant Man through the crowded field and set his sights on...
by Tom Hailey | Jul 9, 2017
Guest Blogger Invitation Do you have a thought, idea, notion, concept, belief, theory, or inspiration worth sharing, spreading, broadcasting or publishing? (You’re right. I found the Thesaurus button!) Does it relate to The Break Out Session’s purpose? That purpose is...
by Tom Hailey | Jul 2, 2017
In Congress, July 4, 1776. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the...
by Tom Hailey | Jun 25, 2017
Filler Words Are you annoyed when listening to a person talk who uses many filler words such as “ah,” “uh,” “er,” “so,” “well,” or “you know”? Does it impress you when people say “like” time after time? Or do they sound like airheads? I heard a speaker say “again”...