From Imagination and Focus to Reality

Lessons Learned Last week I wrote about Mr. Ely loaning me a set of Earl Nightingale cassette tapes named Lead the Field. The lessons from those six tapes gave that young me the motivation and courage to get out of the isolation of my cubicle. Jumped the Gun While...

Solo Show – Here We Go

Show Length: Five Minutes This is a brief solo episode. The purpose is to catch you up on the progress of the show and to test some technology. The next interview show will be posted on Sunday, April 2nd.

How a Cassette Tape Program Changed My Life

Withdrawing In my early twenties, I worked at a civil engineering firm. I produced drawings and calculations related to highway and water treatment plant design. My tasks didn’t require me to interact much with others outside my cubicle. As the months went by, I...

Uncovering our Passions … A Conversation with Z Newell

   Show length: 1 hour 39 minutes So, here we are! This is the first interview show on The Break Out Session Podcast. I’m Tom Hailey, the show host. Here we explore ways to increase our confidence, connection, and professional presence so we can achieve more, faster,...

The Break Out Session Podcast Introduction

Here we go! Welcome to The Break Out Session Podcast! I’m Tom Hailey, the show host. The purpose of this podcast is to explore ways we can increase our confidence, connection and professional presence so we can achieve more, faster, with less stress. We’ll do this by...