My First Video – Tom & Jerry

“Don’t compare your beginning with someone else’s middle.” I have been reminding myself of that throughout the process of “doing” this, my first video. Jerry Young has been my friend since 1979 and we have produced a product...

Advice on self-care.

Here is some excellent advice on how to take care of yourself from Brian Tracy: 1. Practice good nutrition. 2. Get adequate sleep. 3. Manage stress. 4. Spend time with friends & family. 5. Have some relaxing time alone. “take a deep breath, relax, and imagine...

How to Interact With Blind People & More by Jerry Young with Tom Hailey

Well…Here it is! My first product!
You can read all about it on the “landing page” below.

If that takes too long to load, you can see it on the products page of this website:

Here is something I didn’t expect.

Now that launch day is here, I’m as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. And I don’t know why.

Jerry and I are two older guys trying to learn about this modern technology for delivering messages.

You should be able to click on the I Want This button to be taken to a purchase page. I hope!

So, if you will give us some feedback about any part of this process and product, we will be most thankful.

A Conversation with Jeff Walker and Tony Robbins

I watch Jeff Walker’s weekly video blog, which is usually very short. This week he did a long format show. It’s a conversation with Tony Robbins. There are some nuggets here about money, balance, helping others, and much more....

My Post for This Week

Have you ever deviated from your normal routine and enjoyed the detour? You might even have decided to continue on the new path a little longer, resulting in not doing something you usually do or being somewhere you usually are?

That’s my current situation.