Do you have dusty dreams on the shelf?

Or do you have a new idea about how you can walk a different career or hobby path?

Doc Messina wrote his first three novels after age 65. The idea for that new venture bubbled to the top during a conversation with his wife on a weekend trip.

In this episode, Doc Messina and I talk about the creative process and discovering new ways to enjoy life.

Lexington, Kentucky is the home-base for the lead characters in his books. And much of the action and many of the conversations occur at local venues, such as McGee’s Bakery, Charlie Browns, and Joe Bologna’s.

Information about his writing adventure is on his website and Facebook page.


Facebook Page:

His first two novels are now available on Amazon and in bookstores in Lexington. The book cover images below link to their Amazon pages.

Join us as we talk about dusting off dreams, and acting on new ones.